Thursday, July 12, 2007

Vrolijke noot

Heb een vrolijke noot toegevoegd aan mijn site.
Wat vinden jullie ervan?

I've added a cheerful touch to my website.
What do you think of it?


Super Duper Mom said...

Hi, I am so desperate to read your blog but can't figure out how to read the english version. Your pictures are amazing, I am eager to hear what you have to say as well!
Thank you for all of your support, I am still undecided on what to do. I am more than changing toliet paper and fetching stamps-my 2nd interview uncovered what they really wanted their office coordinator to do:( Right place, wrong role.

Just Me said...

Thanks for your comment! ;c))
Unfortunately I don't have a english version on my blog. I'll translate it from now on. ;c)
My website has an english version.