Thursday, August 23, 2007

Kom tot leven / Come alive

"Don't ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

Ik vond dit sprekend citaat op de site van "Swirly girl".
I found this beautiful quotation on the site of "Swirly girl".

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Drukkerijen en offertes

Ik stelde het telkens weer uit, gisteren, eergisteren en ook vandaag. Heb er nog 2 te gaan en eigenlijk is er niet zo veel aan.
Heb mijn moed bijeen geschraapt en daarnet gebeld, de één mocht ik met een mail afhandelen, de andere ging zo.

Heb net een afspraak vastgezet met een drukkerij voor komende dinsdag om 10u! Het gesprek verliep niet zo vlotjes en nu weet ik waarom, ik deed te onderdanig en voelde me behoorlijk nerveus! Nu nog eigenlijk, het ebt stilaan weg…

Ik had sterker in mijn schoenen mogen staan! Zoiets van "Ja hallo. Ik heb uw offerte van april hier voor mij liggen en wil graag de aanbevolen papiersoorten bekijken. Wanneer schikt u dit het best? … Volgende week dinsdag om 10u? OK. Tot dan!"
Hm… waarom bedenk ik dit nu pas? Enfin, volgende week ga ik er "staan".


Printers and offers

I delaid it time after time, yesterday, before yesterday and also today. I have still 2 to go. Actually there is nothing to it.
Finally I put myself together and called them, the first one was'nt at the office so I mailed him.

I've made an appointment with the second one for next Tuesday at 10 AM. It did not go right on the phone and now I know why. I was too nervous and submissive too. Even now, it ebbs away.

I had to be more sure of myself, something like "HELLO, I've your offer right here and I would like to make an appointment to see the paper you've have offered. When does it suit you? … Next Tuesday at 10 AM? OK. See you then!
Hm… Why do I come up with this right now? Anyway, next week I'll be stronger!

Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm tagged!

Like I said before,

I am tagged by 'Super Duper Mom' to tell 8 facts about myself.
*We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
*Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
*People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
*At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and they should read your blog.

1. I have a hard time loving myself, "just be" is what I stand for, but it's not easy. I am often too hard for myself.
I am a perfectionist, I work 300% for myself and find it hard to work sometimes below the 100%.

2. I want to meet the child in me, to admit it whole-heartedly. I wanna play with her, talk to her, make descisions with her, comfort her,… That's why I've decided to follow a training called "Neo-hypno" in Holland, there they teach you how to make contact with the child in you. The use rebirthing techniques, family system exercises,…

3. I very much like sitting on a terras and drink a cappucino, my favourite adress in Ghent is "Pain Perdue". It's there where I feel at ease and enjoy just sitting there, read, design or look at the people and listen to their conversations. :c) The interior is also very simple but so nice! You can also sit on a large wooden table with different people. :c))

4. I would like to be a very good photographer, I love food photography!
My inspirator is Ella Doran! What she does with her pictures I would like to do also but in a different way.

5. My dream: being succesfull in designing and selling my cards, concepts, book,… and earn enough money with it.

6. I would like to have a steady part-time job where I can learn and use my talents. I've been searching for a long time now and nothing seems to match. I wish someone would just look into my aura and give me the answer. I'm getting discouraged. Surly there must be someone who can use my talents and experiences?

7. I would like to earn enough money to get my bills paid and have that little bit extra to do the things I love: to go see a movie, to buy lovely crafted gifts for friends, to go out to dinner, …

8. If I would win the lottery, I would spent it to a very good new bike - different trainings (they cost a lot!) - a digital reflexcamera - a new Mac and a good printer + a color calibration - several trips (even weekends) to Barcelona, France, Ireland, Australia or Thailand? (never been there before) - maybe a car - rent a place to store away stuff - …

I will tag the my best friend Peter and Sylf.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Posting your "Feel good" corner

In order of my previous article,

I would like to ask you to:
* Start with taking a picture of your personal "feel good" corner*
* Post it onto your blog and/or write down what/why makes it your "feel good" corner.
* Send this request to your favourit bloggers/friends and list their names*

I've asked
Super Duper Mom - Sylfje - Lucescereluxi - The Wish Studio - Enkarist to post their "feel good corner".

Love to see yours…
Have fun and share!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Feel good" corner

Lots of feel good stuff and (little) cards of my own.

"Do not waite for a miracle, be a miracle."
Author unknown
Design © tania vanhoof

Those days…

Today is one of the days with those unsteady feelings, I've been away for the hollidays last week and now I'm back.
It takes time to adjust, so I visited the blog of "Super Duper Mom" because she tagged me. And so I saw that she has been tagged by "The Wish Studio". I began to read the blog of the person who tagged The Wish Studio, and visited the blog of the person who tagged that person and so on…

I saw beautiful blogs, read beautiful dreams and words… I just visited the blog of "Boho Girl", she makes really beautiful inspirational photos and designs!

Looking at such a beautiful people, photo's and stories gave me positive energy!
I've visited * Super Duper Mom * The Wish Studio * Live, Love, Laugh * Boho Girl - Chronicles of Me - Boho Photography - Boho Banners * Hand & Spirit * Just be me * Renovating this heart * Creative enthusiasm *
Thanks to you all!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Vrolijk / Happy

Voel me vrolijk vandaag!

Zou de zon er voor iets tussen zitten? :c)
Neen er is meer aan de hand, de afgelopen dagen heb ik dingen gedaan die ik als klein kind ook heel graag deed.
Ben dus beginnen tekenen zonder doel en heb een puzzel aangeschaft! En ook een (in elkaar te zetten) vliegtuigje waarmee je uren plezier aan hebt om mee te vliegen. Ik had voor mijn neefje zo'n vliegtuigje gekocht en het plezier dat hij, ik en zijn vader eraan hadden, bracht mijn kinderlijke vreugde terug naar boven. Dus ben ik gisteren voor mezelf zo'n vliegtuigje gaan kopen ;c)) Het staat al in elkaar op een presenteerhouder. Ik kan niet wachten om ermee te 'spelen'!

"Team work"

I feel happy today!

Is it because of the sun? The nice weather? :c)
No it's more than that, during the past days I've been doing things I liked when I was a child.
I started to draw without a reason, I bought me a puzzle and I bought me a little plain to fly with (you can put it together).
I bought one for my nephew and he, his father and me had lots of fun, I felt the joy of being a child again. That's why I bought me one for myself ;c)) It stands on the table in a holder, can't wait to 'play' with it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ontmoetingen / Come across

Vandaag is zo één van die rare, één met een onbestendig gevoel.

Ik geraakte niet in gang, deed lang over bepaalde zaken, was met veel dingen tegelijk bezig. De dag vorderde en ikke niet.
Ben uiteindelijk gewoon beginnen tekenen wat er in me op kwam en dan beginnen inkleuren.
En dat deed deugd! Gewoon daarmee bezig zijn, gaf me rust.
Ben buiten gegaan in de zon om het verder af te maken. Het was moeilijk om gewoon te tekenen zonder erbij na te denken. Ik heb besloten dat meer te doen, dat is zoiets als Mandala's tekenen/inkleuren.

mijn hartvuur / my heartfire

tekening 2

nog niet af / not finished yet

Het lukte niet meer en wou ik iets anders gaan doen, de enige oplossing was eigenlijk even te gaan liggen. Heb ik gedaan tot die van de tuin de haag begonnen te scheren, ik ben van armoei gevlucht! de stad in. Ik had geen bestemming en wist niet goed waarheen, "zou ik iemand opbellen?". Besloot om bij D'Hoogpoorte binnen te gaan om te zien of zij het boek van Annemarie Postma in huis hadden "Het lichaam is perfect". Keek even naar mijn kaartjes, die er nog talrijk bijstonden. Liep naar achter en moest plots hard niezen en mijn neus liep. Vroeg aan de andere bezoekers voor een zakdoekje en zodoende heb ik even gepraat met iemand die ik (blijkbaar) nog ken van bij Lotte (Poëziewinkel). Het was een toevallige ontmoeting die klaarheid bracht in mijn onbestendige gevoel. Ze vroeg me naar mijn kaartjes en heeft er 2 gekocht ;c)).

We spraken over de creatieve "flow", het wel en niet creatief bezig zijn en dat dat OK is. Ik zei dat ik op een bepaald gebied blokkeer en dat ik dan ook minder/niet creatief kan bezig zijn. We vonden het plezant elkaar nog eens te treffen, zo ineens…

Aan de kassa zag ik iemand die het boek van Maitreyi Piontek "De Tao van de vrouwelijke seksualiteit" kocht, ik zei haar dat het een goed boek is en ze bevestigde het. Ik zei haar dat ik graag met een groepje vrouwen de oefeningen uit het boek wil oefenen en zij wou dat ook! ;c) Ze zei me dat ze iemand had gevonden op het internet en bleek dat ik die persoon ook al gemaild had en nog steeds geen antwoord had gekregen. Blijk het mailadres niet klopt, vandaar dus. Enfin, ik vond het frappant dat ik ook dit mocht meemaken, het gaf me nog een lichter gevoel. Heb haar uiteindelijk nog een folder gegeven van een vriendin die ook iets met vrouwen gaat doen.

En nog wat later stond ik naast iemand waar ik ooit nog was geweest om te informeren naar Usui Reiki Graad 1.
Enfin, ontmoetingen… die me weer op een spoor brachten.

DANK aan die van hierboven!

Today was one of those strange days, with an unsteady feeling.

It took hours to get started, did many things at the same time. The day passed and I didn't.
Eventually I started to draw the things that came into my head. And it was fun just doing it, it gave me peace.
I went outside to continue but it wasn't easy just to draw without thinking. I decided to do more of it, its like drawing Mandala's.

>>Look at the drawings above<<

It didn't work out so I decided to do something else. The solution was to lay down for a moment, I did until the gardener began to cut the hedge, I escaped into town.
I had no destination and didn't know where to go. I wondered if I should call a friend. Instead I deciced to go to D'Hoogpoorte to see if they had the book of Annemarie Postma "Het lichaam is perfect" (The body is perfect).
I looked at my cards which were stil plenty of them. I went at the back and suddenly I sneezed hard, I asked a handkerchief at the persons in the shop and then I had a conversation with somebody I apperently knew from Lotte (Poetryshop). This meeting by chance brought light into my unsteady feeling. She asked for my cards and bought 2 of them ;c)).

We talked about the creative "flow", being creative or not and that that is OK. I said that I'm blokked in a specific area and that this is the reason why I am less creative. We enjoyed the fact that we came across like this.

At the till I saw somebody buying the book of Maitreyi Piontek "The Tao of the female sexuality", I told her that it is a very good book and she agreed. I told her that I want to practice it with other woman and she wanted that also! ;c) She said she had found someone on the internet and it turned out that I had send her a mail too, but she didn't answer. Apparently the e-mail isn't correct…
Anyway, I found it striking, I've given her a leaflet of a friend who also gonna do something with woman.

A bit later I stood against somebody who I've visited some years ago for some information about Usui Reiki Gradution 1.
Anyway, those meetings brought me on track again.

THANKS to the ones from above!